Career Breakthrough​ from our Clients

AMS数字 gave me a good idea on how I can navigate through my problems and what changes I can make to make good of my situation
Tan Dhi Zen
Senior Financial Consultant
AMS数字 is a very practical method for us to read people's profile within a short period of time just through their mobile numbers.
Derek Koh
Finanial Services Director
不到5天,我竟然轻易的招募 自从换了开机密码,不到5天,我竟然轻易的招募到1名新代理加入我的保险阵容!他还竟然是亲自上我辦公室的年轻人,轻而易举就吸引到他要加入我的团队了!
Michelle Koh
Senior Financial Consultant
Understanding customer's buying psychology, what are their risk appetite and the most important of all, what makes them tick, as I'm sure the last thing we want as financial planners, is to scare away our client
Yang Zi
Senior Financial Consultant
Few days after using the PIN, there were more automatic clients coming back to me giving me sales. It was quite amazing.
Zi Hao
Senior Financial Consultant
我的团队现在每个月都会有新人加入。 改了银行,门牌和开机密码之后我基本上每天都有面试新人,都忙不过来了。
Real Estate Director
Pear Cho
Real Estate Agent
After changing my PIN, I am so happy because it was the first time in my entire career that I'm able to secure 5 deals within a month
Felix Man
Real Estate Agent
当时拿到了开机密码后,每天听话照做按开机密码50次, 在短短的一个星期内,我的回购率高达70%
Kum Huan Jin
Direct Sales Top Leader
AMS数字让我更加了解顾客的购买模式,也了解自己的顾客群。用了老师调配给我的幸运开机密码, 我在短短的一个月内把销售提高了15%。
Teh Pooi Kien
Car Salesman
【AMS 数字】 is suitable for people who want a breakthrough and a change in their life.
Davis Tan
Sales Manager
Attending the program makes me more aware of numbers and its energy, which enables me to create new connections with clients and also in understanding my own energy.
Liren Neo
Make Up Artist
拿了开机密码,Adams老师教我勤劳的去按,拿到了第一天开机密码的时候,我很勤劳的按,然后很奥妙 第二天一共有十五人报名我的活动, 我很开心
Car Spare Parts Business Owner
我先生的公司被客户欠下巨款很久了。上了课之后,第一个就是把公司的门牌18拿下来;第二个就是开始用老师为他调配的开机密码,在短短的一个月内, 我先生被欠的一百多万马币,就这样拿回来了。
Alice Cheong
Electrical Engineering Business owner
平时美容院都一直在等机会,没有新顾客,旧的顾客来来去去就那几个。自从拿到了开机密码, 我就忙到现在。开始有新顾客,旧的顾客也陆陆续续倒回来光顾。 每天都很忙!很开心!
Beauty Spa Business Owner
自从第一次听到Adams 老师讲解数字对我们的影响之后,我得到了一排他赠送的开机密码,一用之下,哇哈!好事连连出现了!不到5天,我竟然轻易的招募到1名新代理加入我的保险阵容!他还竟然是亲自上我辦公室的年轻人,轻而易举就吸引到他要加入我的团队了! 原来单单改变自己的开机密码就有这么好的事发生。
Michelle Koh
Senior Financial Consultant
Yesterday I changed my Pin number based on what I learnt from talking to you. Today got 3 sales and 3 pending! Thank you
Direct Sales Agency Leader
搭配了老师调的幸运密码后,在短短3个月时间, 我在公司达到了业绩比去年2019多了20%。

谢丰冰 Cecelia
Direct Sales Agency Leader
在还没学数字之前, 2020年1 月至7月 销售成绩差,又加上三月份的MCO开始 ,导致卖车行业更加困难。
在 11月上了老师课程之后 ,尤其是用了幸运开机密码,从我平时收入的 1/2k 上升到 6/7k 在这 MCO 的时候还能让我招到顾客。真的不简单.
Teh Pooi Kien
Car Salesman
疫情期间,我事业上面临了冲击。在这时候,我上了【AMS 实战数字学】课程后,我先调了一组开机密码在他的手机,过了一个星期,他就接到一些熟客的来电叫他开国了过后去看新的工程。
Industrial Waste Management Business Owner
Spa Salon Business Owner
覺得數字也是很神奇很厲害的工具, 完全講中我的卡點,讓我知道原因出 自於某個數字的磁場,也請顧問幫忙調整服務的價格、開機密碼、銀行提款密碼,非常期待數字能量的變化!
在还没有接触【AMS 实战数字学】之前,我先生的公司的流动资金就被卡住,被客户欠下巨款。我们是在2019年10月报名了掌握人生的课程。上了课之后, 我的先生做了2个动作,第一个就是把公司的门牌18,拿下来;第二个就是开始用老师为他调配的开机密码, 在短短的一个月内,我先生被欠的一百多万马币,就这样拿回来了.

Alice Cheong
Electrical Engineering Business owner
Through the AMS ShuZi program, I've learnt to be able to read up my client's profile and understand their investment risk appetite.

Some clients hence find me interesting and with this tool, it helps me to connect better with them by helping them to read their numbers
Senior Financial Consultant


Andrew Goh
感恩老师这两天的教导,我真的有了很多收获,老师在课堂上说的每一颗星都很准,我几乎全部都被讲中,其实我本身已经很了解自己了,但上了课后,从我的蓝图里读到了一些讯息导致我更加清楚了自己的缺陷在哪里,也看清楚了自己的使命,也就是要去帮助更多的人,来进步自己,同时可以给于朋友们增加更多的知识分享让他们也丰盛自己最后一行, 减轻他们的负担。真的感谢AMS 数字。
Elysia Foo



Sally Lee
我覺得這可以幫助到很多人!! 記得我說~我翻到爸爸的身份證資料時,我淚崩嗎?因為我懂為什麼爸爸這麼早走 我當時真的心裡有個念頭,我要是能早些認識數字該有多好,但我知道,不太可能~那時老師都不知道出生沒 然後,我又想,那麼我希望我能幫到很多人不要有我這樣的遺憾. 如果,都能讀懂數字,很多事情可以預防的~尤其是健康,是不 是可以對症用油、調、排毒,有很多可以預先去做努力、去改變
Direct Sales Agency Leader
确实看懂孩子蓝图,很多以前的担心,现在变成没那么压力辛苦了, 已经知道孩子需要怎样的模式才能
让孩子如何开心学习和进步才是对的. 之前这个孩子我给他很大压力,结果进医院也检查不出问题. 最后读懂数字,换方法,也行的通
After attending the program, I have learnt how to profile my client via their HP numbers before going down for the appointment itself.
Yeo Li Tong
Senior Financial Consultant
Through the AMS ShuZi program, I've learnt to be able to read up my client's profile and understand their investment risk appetite.
Senior Financial Consultant
【AMS 实战数字学】 has significantly helped me when it comes to achieving & surpassing the goals & targets I set out to do in my business.
Damena Soh
Senior Financial Consultant
Our Group Sales Grew By about 25% in 2020 despite a Pandemic Crisis. More business collaboration opportunities came to me after upgrading my carplate number
Derek Koh
Finanial Services Director
2 months after i completed the program, I was able to achieve a new milestone in my insurance career, achieving the incentive for overseas trip (something that was done the very first time in 10 years).
Serena Che
Senior Financial Consultant
5 months into my real estate career and I managed to achieved my very first 6-Figure-A-Month income.
Edwin Tay
Real Estate Agent
I used to only get 1 or 2 referral deals per year. But after adjusting my energy, the last 3 months I already got 6 old customers come back and refer me their friends. I am very grateful.
Loh Bin Tang
Real Estate Agent
I changed all my PIN number, from phone to ATM to iBanking to my computer. I feel very better now and don't wake up feeling tired. My group sales has also increased by 43% since 5 months ago.
Calvin Sim
Real Estate Director
我也从我的蓝图中了解到自己的顾客群来自那里和了解到客户的购买心理, 让我容易成交业绩。
谢丰冰 Cecelia
Direct Sales Agency Leader
之前我对我的人生很迷茫, 销售这方面也一直没有信心。咨询之后,现在的我更加了解自己, 而且比以前更有信心, 觉得自己更有价值
Clare Lim
Sales Director
我在ARISSTO行业里三年不曾有过的最高纪录, 是很轻松达到这个成绩, 就有如揭开一层薄薄的发布一样
Mary Yang
Direct Sales Top Leader
我调了一组开机密码后, 我老公一个星期后, 他就接到一些熟客的来电叫他开国了过后去看新的工程。
Industrial Waste Management Business Owner
给了我开机号码过后,其实我也是带着怀疑,但是三天后很奇妙的,我忙到我可以一天里面可以出乎意料, 我一天里面sign 了三个 1500 的配套
Xiu Juan
Spa Saloon Business Owner
我是自己开美容院的,顾客在我这边已经很多年了,都没有介绍的人, 可是那一天还介绍三个顾客课给我, 因为老师给我的密码是老朋友带财的密码。
Spa Salon Business Owner
从六月份开始直到现在,我们不止拿回了熟客, 间中还多了很多转介绍! 我们的业绩甚自是比去年 增长了50%。 感恩AMS数字.。
Engineer Business Owner
Client: btw I got some good news to share...I feel lately passive referrals increased even I havent got the phone number from you.
Adams: Haha nice, what have you changed so far? Your unit number, bank account usage?

Client: Pin and bank account!
Adams: Not bad, 7 days start to see results le.
Benjamin Toh
Financial Consultant
Adams " 听说 penny 2天内就看到密码的功效了“?

Penny "早上按了新密码,马上电话就响了,叫我帮他卖地了”
Real Estate Agent
当时拿到了开机密码后,每天听话照做按开机密码50次, 在短短的一个星期内,我的回购率高达70%,我在ARISSTO行业里三年不曾有过的最高纪录,是很轻松达到这个成绩,就有如揭开一层薄薄的发布一样
Mary Yang
Direct Sales Top Leader
早上和我一对一咨询 我在前几天刚拿到Adams老师为我调的 手机开机密码(星期三17/4/24)昨晚看老师直播时(19/4/24)才发现这两天上班的情况真的在无意中改变了很多
这才发现这些都在老师的帮助下立马见效、在此再次感谢老师和他的工作团队给于的帮助 感恩
Warehouse Assistant
Car Spare Parts Business Owner
Adams 我觉得你是我的指明灯, 很神奇的,那天我不是找你算吗,你说我要往高端客户跑,我今天就成交了一笔新币一万多的单,好开心哦!还有你给算的两个数字,都用对了!
Adams provided an insightful numerology consultation that pinpointed my strengths, guiding me to optimize my career as a financial advisor.

His expertise highlighted my key abilities and advised on client compatibility, making his session invaluable. Not only did he identify my strengths, but he also alerted me to potential pitfalls.

Highly recommended for personalized career guidance!
Benjamin Toh
Financial Consultant
2 months after i completed the program, I was able to achieve a new milestone in my insurance career, achieving the incentive for overseas trip (something that was done the very first time in 10 years).

I was also able to achieve MDRT in 2020, amidst such a challenging year, something that i have never done before in the past 20 years of my career.
Serena Che
Senior Financial Consultant
After attending the program, I have learnt how to profile my client via their HP numbers before going down for the appointment itself.

Understanding their buying psychology, what makes them buy, what are their risk appetite and the most important of all, what makes them tick, as I'm sure the last thing we want as financial planners, is to scare away our client
Yeo Li Tong
Senior Financial Consultant
上了AMS 数字运用法的课程,我觉得课程真的很棒,现在了解了自己的生命蓝图里的能量磁场,我也更加了解了自己,看懂自己的言行举止,也了解了为什么在工作上会遇到种种的状况,能够更加查觉以及注意自己。

我也会开始运用从课程里学到的知识,来搞好我的生活,了解我孩子的个性,相处模式,增加我们之间的感情. 很感恩老师的教导。
What caught my eye to attend the course was how the numbers around us actually affects us be it the numbers that we 'were being given' or those that we 'had chosen' as our lucky numbers.

Other than accepting and giving into fate, I attended the course & started to analyze numbers that I see daily, from vehicle plates numbers to letters of the alphabets in someone's name. I do use numbers to in my daily living, for instance, deciding what to eat when I am somewhere new.

AMS ShuZi course will be great for one who is interested to take a different perspective towards the betterment of their lives! You will have to understand to believe, and definitely to give yourself a chance to change and allow time for changes to take place. Throughout this process, you will get to experience how different combinations of numbers come into your life and how you can take charge of your future and discover your fullest potentials!


以前我很多想法都不敢跟老公 說,怕他不高興,甚至會不贊同,自己先預想不好的後果。學了數字後, 我學會了鼓起勇氣, 想辦法選時機、用柔軟的方式去說服老公, 我發現並沒有我想像中的難, 他雖然還是會抱怨-下,但還是會如了我意。 所以, 我要更有自信, 訓練自己, 轉變並發揮自己的禍害磁場:不只喜歡說, 還要會說, 以感恩的心多說好話, 少抱怨。 也要克服自己 的伏位心態, 不要輕易拒絕到身邊的機會 要先說yes, 給自己成長的機會。
Your readings of the phone numbers of the people around me has helped me manage my expectations of them and taught me to approach their matters as accordingly. You make the learning process a breeze
Financial Consultant
After going through energy adjustment in my ShuZi, the policy count & sales have significantly increased by a lot. Closing of sales has become a lot smoother, and I didnt need to go through multiple follow ups in order to secure these deals.
Deanna Low
Senior Financial Consultant
It's only been 7 days after I changed my PIN number but passive referrals increased even when I havent got the phone number from you.
Benjamin Toh
Financial Consultant
I was able to achieve MDRT in 2020, amidst such a challenging year, something that I have never done before in the past 20 years of my career.
Senior Financial Consultant
早上按了新密码, 马上电话就响了,叫我帮客户卖地了
Real Estate Agent
After changing my PIN, I secured 4 deals, three are new launches and another one took me 1 year to follow up but was able to seal the deal. All of this happened within just 30 days after receiving my new number.
Mei Yee
Real Estate Agent
Thank you 【AMS 实战数字学】 for helping me to strategize my blueprint & my number energy adjustment. Have faith & belief in numerology, let the opportunities come knocking and seize every single one out of it!
Linda Tay
Real Estate Agent
Yesterday I changed my Pin number based on what I learnt from talking to you. Today got 3 sales and 3 pending! Thank you
Direct Sales Agency Leader
我在上了课之后的几个月, 就遇到我的人生第一次业绩的高峰 , 马币500 千! 这一次破了我的销售记录,真的很感谢【AMS 实战数字学】
Claire Tan
Sales Manager
What I like most about Adams's program is that he explains the whole idea of ShuZi clearly, allowing beginners like me to grasp the concept very easily.
Vicky Qin
Really love how Adams老师 make it "layman" and applicable to us, which makes the class much more interesting and meaningful. He managed to capture 1000% of my attention through this course!
Hui Qi
Cyber Security Sales
隔一个月,我的先生还拿到一个很大的项目。 单单在2020年里,他就拿到了4个很大的项目。
Alice Cheong
Electrical Engineering Business owner
At work, I couldn’t understand why I am so hot tempered, work OT for no reasons, had sleepless night, and bad working relationship with my colleagues, Adams老师 gave me a set of lucky numbers that catered to my goals & my working relationship and my performance got better.
At work, I couldn’t understand why I am so hot tempered, work OT for no reasons, had sleepless night, and bad working relationship with my colleagues, Adams老师 gave me a set of lucky numbers that catered to my goals & my working relationship and my performance got better.
The course got my attention because I was curious to see how numbers could really affect our lives. I have heard of other modalities, but have not heard about numbers, especially afterbirth numbers such as IC, phone numbers, etc.
So I was curious to find out more.

My biggest moment was when I experienced the result. I am in the sales industry, so I had to meet many customers in order to close deals.

So after learning about ShuZi, I decided to make some changes to my PIN number, got myself a number that could attract many customers automatically, and it works! Few days after using the PIN, there were more automatic clients coming back to me giving me sales. It was quite amazing.
Zi Hao
Senior Financial Consultant
在当下我报名上课,可是我很心急,我先与老师做一个一对一的咨询,先我就跟他讲什么都不用说给我开机号码,给了我开机号码过后,其实我也是带着怀疑,因为我也不知道是不是这个能量真的那么强大,在三天很奇妙的,我觉得我很忙,忙到的话我可以一天里面可以出乎意料,我一天里面sign 了三个配套,在卖facial 配套来说,3 个 150 元的很容易,但是 3 个 1500 的一天以内会比较难,所以这个开机号码让我三天里面我发现到在生意上会有所改变,真的不一样,虽然客户电话不是一直在响,可是一响的时候都是已确认要来 appointment的,都是有钱进来的.
Xiu Juan
Spa Saloon Business Owner

Beauty Spa Business Owner
"Hi Adams! First of all, thank you for the insightful session ytd, it gave me absolute clarity on what I want to do and how I can better improve on the situation I might potentially meet.

Adams is a highly intuitive person, going through the session with him will make you feel comfortable of expressing your concern.

Also, I heeded his advice to do a change on my pin number, in less than 24 hours of changes which I made, I was able to see results, a subtle one, but I definitely feel it!

Thank you so much Adams "
Financial Consultant
Hi Coach Adams, I was an attendee for your event today, 7 Feb.
Your readings of the phone numbers of the people around me has helped me manage my expectations of them and taught me to approach their matters as accordingly. It was an insightful exposure and to use the Yi Jing pairing system in numerology, was genius!
You make the learning process a breeze
Financial Consultant
I felt that it gave a deeper understanding into why I’m facing my current challenges and gave me a good idea on how I can navigate through them and what changes I can make to make good of my situation
Tan Dhi Zen
Senior Financial Consultant
After attending AMS ShuZi program, I finally realised why I have always been experiencing twists & turns in my life and found the solution to overcome it.

Also, I got to dug deeper on my life blueprint and unlocked my untapped potential to help my business, wealth, relationship & family grow
Ada Goh
Health & Wellness Specialist

非常感恩AMS 数字.

上完课后,我开始发现原来每个人生阶段都会跟着数字而转换,所以我也开始跟着我人生蓝图里的数字做我人生的决定。最大的突破是尝试了新的东西,举例:我现在走着‘贵人’大运,所以我开始了拍视频和上载到 youtube 和 facebook,也就因为网上的爆光,我得到很多贵人的电话要请我当顾问。
Yih peng
我本身有两个孩子,大女儿今年18岁,小儿子今年三岁,上AMS数字课后,它让我更清楚的知道如何和我的18岁的女儿沟通, 毕竟18岁是个让父母都很担忧的年龄,也是孩子的叛逆期。


Damena Soh
Senior Financial Consultant
Hi Adams yes actually I'm surprised just based on phone number I can roughly piece together her motivations and buying behaviour. I gathered that she goes for value, can make a quick decision, wants professionalism, and cares about appearance. This is very useful as I know that I just need to show them the most suitable prelaunch suite in our nicest Block B, and answer in detail any questions they might have about the whole process. In their case it is relocating of a multigenerational ancestral tablet from home to Nirvana. The deal was sealed not by focusing on price but our service and experience
Direct Sales Agency Leader